Event Schedule

Monday 10th February
Noon to 4:30 pm
ALL RACES and MINI 10TO4 pre-event check-in @ Turaco Farm
Tuesday 11th February
10 am to 4:30 pm
ALL RACES and MINI 10TO4 pre-event check-in @ The Leo Project (Park at the front of Dormans coffee shop and the Leo Project is at the back - ask in Dormans if unsure)

Wednesday 12th February
10 am to 4:30 pm
ALL RACES and MINI 10TO4 pre-event check-in @ The Leo Project (Park at the front of Dormans coffee shop and the Leo Project is at the back - ask in Dormans if unsure)
Thursday 13th February
Noon to 6 pm
ALL RACES and MINI 10TO4 pre-event check-in @ Ngare Ndare Forest Gate, Ethi
From 3 pm
Mini 10to4 River Route open to all riders - time trials TBC
7 pm
EXTREME and WILD Race Briefing @ Borana Race Village
7:30 - 8 pm
EXTREME and WILD pre-event check-in @ Borana Race Village
8 pm SHARP
Borana Race Village Gate CLOSES. If you arrive later you will not be able to enter.

Friday 14th February - DAY 1
6:30 am
EXTREME and WILD pre-event check-in @ Borana Race Village
7 am
EXTREME and WILD Race Briefing @ Borana Race Village
7:30 am
7:35 am
10 am - 7:30 pm
CLASSIC, RUSH & SLIDE and MINI 10TO4 pre-event check-in and Bike Drop @ Ngare Ndare Forest Gate, Ethi
10 am - 4 pm
EXTREME and WILD Bike Drop @ Borana Race Village
7 pm
ALL RACES Race Briefing @ Borana Race Village
8 pm SHARP
Borana Race Village Gate CLOSES. If you arrive later you will not be able to enter.

Saturday 15th February - DAY 2
5:15 am
Meet at Info Tent in Borana Race Village for rider transport to Start Line (leaves at 5:30 am prompt)
6:30 - 8 am
ALL RACES pre-event check-in @ Start Line
8 am
ALL RACES Race Briefing @ Start Line
8:30 am
8:35 am
8:40 am
8:45 am
8:50 am
SLIDE Race START - Group 1
9:00 am
SLIDE Race START - Group 2
Late afternoon
8 pm
Borana Race Village Gate CLOSES. If you arrive later you will not be able to enter.

Sunday 16th February - MINI 10TO4
7:30 am
MINI 10T4 ENDURO pre-event check-in opens @ Borana Race Village
7:50 am
MINI 10T4 ENDURO Race Briefing @ Borana Race Village
8:00 am
MINI 10T4 ENDURO Race START @ Borana Race Village
8:00 am
MINI 10T4 HOG, DASH and SCRAMBLE pre-event check-in opens @ Borana Race Village
8:30 am
MINI 10T4 HOG, DASH and SCRAMBLE Race Briefing @ Borana Race Village
9:00 am
MINI 10T4 HOG Race START @ Borana Race Village
9:05 am
MINI 10T4 DASH Race START @ Borana Race Village
9:10 am
MINI 10T4 SCRAMBLE Race START @ Borana Race Village
11:30 am
MINI10TO4 PRIZE GIVING @ Borana Race Village
4 pm
Borana Race Village CLOSES - all competitors should be packed up and departed

Tuesday 18th February
Full Results of all races will be published on the 10to4 website