No 1: A correctly fitting cycle helmet MUST be worn when riding on any stage.
No 2: Bikes should be fit for purpose i.e. a MOUNTAIN bike in good mechanical repair.
No 3: A full disclaimer MUST be signed and exchanged for your race number.
No 4: Ensure that you are self-sufficient in the event of a flat tire, or other technical or personal issues.
No 5: Cycling gloves, padded shorts, water bottle, cycle pump, spare tubes, cycle repair tools, mobile phone and sunscreen are considered ESSENTIAL items. Please secure your phone!
No 6: Ride of way – This concept applies to all mountain bikers around the world. If you are walking on a section because it is too technical or you are tired, you must give way to those riding. If you are behind someone pushing, simply ask them for 'ride of way'.
No 7: Give way – If there is a faster rider behind you, find a safe place to let them pass. Shortcuts are not permitted.
No 8: Offensive language is prohibited.
No 9: Disqualifications & penalties - Riders may be disqualified at the discretion of the organisers for any one or more of the following reasons including, but not limited to, riding at any point on any stage without a helmet, bad sportsmanship or malicious behaviour and/or damaging the environment.
No 10: Membership of AMREF - the Flying Doctor - is COMPULSORY. In the event of an accident, all medical costs must be covered by the participant as per the signed disclaimer.
No 11: Attach your bike number to the FRONT of your bike and do not swap bikes.
No 12: ALL children aged under 12 years competing in Saturday's races must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Any child going through a water stop or across the finish line alone will be disqualified, as will the adult who should have been with them.
Please check your race map and colour. Critical junctions are manned by marshals wearing high-vis vests, minor junctions are marked with signs and/or white chalk arrows, white chalk blobs or tape to guide you. There are motorcycle route openers, motorcycle roving monitors and a sweeper vehicle with a medic.
Beware of traffic on public roads, especially at the crossing of the main tarmac road at Kisima.
Wildlife rangers will be patrolling the known hazardous areas and will guide you in the event of immediate animal presence. For your own safety, their instructions must be followed WITHOUT QUESTION.