When registering for the 10to4 Mountain Bike Challenge or Adventure Ride, you will be asked to agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
a) I understand and accept that participating in any of the races/events comprising the ‘10to4’ Mountain Bike Challenge (the "Event") is a potentially hazardous activity. I agree not to enter and participate unless I am in sound medical condition and have an appropriate level of fitness. I agree to abide by any decision of an event official relating to my ability to safely participate in the Event. I am voluntarily entering and assume all risks (whether to person, body or property, including my bike and equipment) associated with participating in the Event, including but not limited to falls, dangers posed by animals or other persons, death and personal injury, the effects of weather (including heat), theft of possessions, traffic and obstacles, and the conditions of the course(s), all such risks being known and appreciated and accepted by me.
b) Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for entry in the Event, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the promoters, the '10to4' committee, local landowners and local communities, and each and all of the Event sponsors and their respective officials, staff, representatives and agents from present and future claims of liability of any kind, known and unknown, arising out of my participation in the Event, or in the related activities, or in camping and using the land on which the Event takes place.
c) Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the promoters, the '10to4' committee, local landowners and local communities, and each and all of the Event sponsors and their respective officials, staff, representatives and agents exclude all claims (i) in negligence, (ii) for death or any personal injury, and (iii) any loss or damage to property, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Event or the related activities or in camping and using the land on which the Event takes place.
d) I agree to bring the above Acknowledgement and Waiver to the attention of all persons in my party who accompany me during the Event as spectators and/or supporters. This Acknowledgement and Waiver shall apply equally to all such persons.
e) This Acknowledgement & Waiver is exclusively governed by Kenyan law.
f) I have read the Event Rules and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in them.
g) I agree that any photographs, films or recordings of the Event in which I might appear may be used for broadcast and promotional purposes.
An Acknowledgement and Waiver Form must be completed and signed by the competitor or by a parent or guardian if the competitor is under 18. You must submit this form to the 10to4 organisers prior to the start of your race and this can be done by downloading the relevant document (see below), which can be submitted as follows:
i) Downloaded, opened in Adobe Acrobat, completed and signed electronically, saved, and sent as an email attachment to the address below; OR
ii) Printed, completed and signed by hand, scanned and the scanned document sent as an email attachment to the address below; OR
iii) As ii but handed in as a hard copy when you collect your race number.
The form for the Extreme, Wild, Classic, Rush and Slide races can be found by clicking on this link
The form for Mini 10to4 races can be found by clicking on this link
The form for the Rose Dyer Adventure Ride can be found by clicking on this link
Once completed, you can email the form to 10to4Registration@MountKenyaTrust.org
Don't forget to also complete your online Medical Form.